Neglected Blog

posted by on 2009.10.26, under Other

Here is an explanation of what happened between April – October.

April – August – I worked with the CEO of to launch their website. 2 hour a day commute to Hollywood from West LA, too many hours looking at computer screens, 10 week struggle with Apple to get our iPhone app update accepted for the 3.0 OS, started playing bass guitar for a band in Hollywood.

August – Present – moved to the beach next door to Willie Nelson in a tiny studio with no internet. I have been focusing my writing into music, and am on a bicycle the rest of the time when I am not working on the app or studying. I have consulted 3 other start-ups since the summer, and am figuring out what to do for 2010, and post MBA graduation in May. Currently really into the social entrepreneurship sector, and reading “How to change the world: social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas” By David Bornstein. I will be going to Prague, Munich, Zurich, and Milan from May-June to conclude a 1 year research study in this field by interviewing local entrepreneurs and stakeholders in Europe. The exciting part of this new interest of mine is constantly reading about successful case studies from Indian social entrepreneurs.

Conclusion: The future of this is unknown. I may post in it here and there. Maybe I’ll the and write posts for the 180 days I missed. Just maybe…

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