I reached Mumbai (Bombay) late last night after an incredibly comfortable 18 hour plane ride. Somehow I was given 3 seats to myself, a personal tv with on demand hollywood, bollywood, tollywood, and any other “ollywood” sounding place movies. Not bad for a $700 coach ticket. Check out Jet Airways if you make it this side.
Upon arriving into the state of Maharastra, I was met by my first official scam in India…Indian Customs. I was threatened to have my bags searched because I had brought 1 laptop, 1 digital camera, 1 video camera and 1 ipod. When combined, these moderate devices exceeded $200, the limit of goods allowed to bring into India. I could have bribed this particular customs officer $50 under the table to let me pass without any problems. I humored this fellow for a few minutes, and pointed out that my camera had a crack in it, and would not be very marketable if i was to sell it. My Sony Handycam was straight out of the early 1990’s, and was more of a liability to me than an asset. He finally agreed, and began begging me for any us dollars I could offer him. I offered him my empty wallet, since I spent my last American dollar on a chicken salad in NYC. (the leather in the wallet could have possibly exceeded the value of my photography equipment) He smiled, and wished me a good trip.
Catching up with family today, heading off to start work tomorrow in Hyderabad.

Upon receiving numerous suggestions from friends and colleagues I have decided to create a blog to document the latest chapter in my life, a four month trip to Hyderabad India.
This past year, with the help of some talented folks in Detroit and San Francisco, I have started a company that has pushed me away from corporate life for the time being, into an the role of an entrepreneur dabbling in online community space.
This is by far the greatest risk I have ever taken in my life so far, and hope that it proves to be a learning experience that will expose me to international business and new cultures in a land far from home. I have lived in New Zealand and England, but this will be my first time living in a non English speaking country. With family and new friends near by, the transition to Hyderabad life should be interesting and not too painful. My only concern at the moment is the political stability of the country.
Recently there was a terrorist attack in a public park and restaurant, killing nearly 40 innocent people. I hope to avoid any religious/political conflicts out there, and engage myself in the rapidly developing business world that Hyderabad is famous for. While being tied up to successfully launching our final product for 2008, I will dive deep into the local music scene and explore opportunities within bollywood. I promise to keep updating this blog with exciting developments, and welcome any advice/comments as I go along. I get a rush when I think about where I am right now with no set path ahead of me. The excitement of life is at an all time high, and thank you all for being a part of it with me as friends and family. My flight is literally boarding right now, so I am off for the 18 hour flight to Mumbai, India.
Best regards,